Technology applied. Limits defied.

Our Story

eo means progress in Latin. Now, to be honest, we don’t know that much Latin, but we do believe in progress. Not any kind of progress, mind. We’re not here for the grindingly slow kind, laborious trial and error that takes time and effort to achieve minor improvements. eo isn’t satisfied with marginal gains. Sure, they can be the difference between winning and losing, but our horizons are set a little further than that.

eo believes that every body has vast potential waiting to be unlocked and that science holds the key. eo uses inspired applications of scientific research to defy convention, defy the odds, defy your body – to bring the kind of precision that doesn’t just win the race, but sets new standards for what can be achieved.

Because we’re in the business of accelerating progress, in sport and in life.

This is a world where rules, and records, are there to be broken.

This is the science of defiance.

Every product eo releases is assessed against four potential benefits to athletes and must meet at least one of the following criteria: improve performance, accelerate recovery and adaptation, prevent injury, and aid rehabilitation.

As well as eo SwimBETTER, PolarCap by eo, and eo NuroCHEK, we have more sports technology advancing through the development pipeline. Each of these products is poised to revolutionise their sport.


We exist to accelerate human progress through sport

Improve performance

Break new ground in your sport with products that capture data and offer insight into your body’s movement to optimise your training, improve your technique and enhance your performance.

Accelerate recovery and adaptation

Push your body further with products that combine a knowledge of physiology and biochemistry with personalised analytics to help you refuel, recover and progress.

Prevent injury

Improve your performance with products that protect your body from injury so you can play on free from restriction, free from discomfort, free from worry. Unstoppable.

Aid rehabilitation

Don’t let injury hold you back. Our advanced support systems use new materials and innovative designs to help your body repair faster, so you get back in the game sooner.


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